Sunday, February 3, 2013

Leak Down Check Complete

After spending some more time working with the pump and doing the obligatory "boiling water" routine for the kids, it was time to get serious and see how tight the machine really was. I did a thirty minute pump down, took note of the final reading and shut the valves off and then turned off the motor. At first, I checked the gauge every hour and was relieved to see the pressure holding steady. Twenty four hours later I was happy to see an absolute pressure rise of only 1-2mbars (the gauge was bouncing between the two).

That is a GREAT number and removes a huge variable for a successful reason infusion!

Documentation from VacMobiles shows a pressure rise of 3mbar in 10 minutes is acceptable for small, or critical parts and large parts call for 3mbar/minute maximum. if I just had something to infuse...


  1. Hey Dallas,
    nice to see another upcoming F-39 building project. I bought my plans a few years ago but wasn't able to find a suitable workshop so far.
    I hope you didn't boil too much water. Moisture in the pump's oil is the main cause for worse end vacuum.


  2. Hi Dorian,

    Greetings and Welcome to my blog.
    Concerning your question - No, I only "boiled" the water for maybe ten seconds. Just long enough for the kids to get a look and prove the point. I did however have the pump up to operating temperature beforehand and let it run for thirty minutes after the experiment to dry it out.

    Can I ask where you are located and what sail number you purchased? (just curious)

    As you can see by my progress, I'm not that far ahead of you if you haven't started. So you have plenty of time to catch up!


    1. Sail number is 11 and I'm from Berlin, Germany. Crazy ideea to build a boat 150 miles away from the shore. My mail-adress is dnmeid at gmx dot net (just replace at and dot), so you can contact me if you have any further questions.

